resources. sequel presents.

14 September 2020

Coming unstuck? Safeguarding the wellbeing of line managers

Are line managers – the communications glue in your organisation – suffering in the new modern workplace? Long recognised as a vital cog in the smooth running of any organisation’s communications, line managers are now under more pressure than ever before.

The Covid-19 pandemic – and the subsequent change in people’s work patterns with teams now scattered far and wide – has only added to the communication challenge facing line managers.

With executives desperate to keep lines of communication open, and the wider employee base anxious for reassurance and advice, 2020 has become a trial of strength (physical and mental) for line managers.

What impact has this had on this squeezed middle? With many managers having personal upheaval to deal with as well, how are they coping with the additional pressure?

Their wellbeing, and the support internal comms teams can give them to navigate through the coming months, will be the subject of our second Sequel Presents: A Coffee With webinar on Thursday, 8 October.

Sequel director Nick Andrews will be talking to Mairi Doyle, Director of Internal Communication and Wellbeing at global healthcare specialist Bupa, about these issues and how with support – emotional and practical – line managers remain a huge asset for organisations plotting a progressive post-pandemic future.

Mairi Doyle – Director of Internal Communication and Wellbeing at Bupa

Mairi will also explain the crucial aspect of ‘role model selfcare’ – getting line managers to look after their own personal health and wellbeing as an indicator to their teams that they consider this stuff important.

“Organisations can help managers on many levels, giving them the support they need to manage their own wellbeing and communicate authentically with their teams,” says Mairi.

Nick Andrews – Business Development Director at Sequel Group

Check out our previous session on God, Zoom and the return to work with Matt Batten, Director of Communication and Engagement at the Diocese of Llandaff here.

The event is free. To register simply click here to book your spot via Eventbrite for Thursday 8 October, 11-11.30am. You’ll receive a link to the webinar the day before the event.

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