resources. sequel presents.

26 January 2022

5 employee engagement trends to embrace in 2022

From pause to play – picking up the pace.

After the best part of two years treading water, organisations are looking to the future with more optimism.

But what are the factors shaping this move from pause to play? And what are the employee engagement trends communicators should embrace to help ensure 2022 is a year of progress?

Join us at our next Sequel Presents webinar on 17 February, when we’ll look at five vital trends we’ve identified through our conversations with colleagues, clients and industry peers.


We’re changing things up this time as we ask award-winning internal communication specialist Kate Goodman who’s worked for the likes of Wolseley, Dignity, Pal International and more to quiz our very own Paul Jones, Head of Insight.

Kate Goodman speaking about employee engagement trends for Sequel Group


  Kate Goodman – Award-winning internal communication specialist, The Good Comms Company


Paul Jones Head of Insight at Sequel Group to discuss 5 employee engagement trends to embrace in 2022


  Paul Jones – Head of Insight, Sequel Group



The top five themes they’ll be chatting through are:

  1. wellbeing in the workplace
  2. corporate purpose
  3. the ongoing digital revolution in the workplace
  4. employee voice and the importance of listening in a hybrid world and
  5. the role of the effective leader and authentic leadership examples.

They’ll be sharing some facts and figures on the importance of these topics and how, as communicators, we use this information to build a world class, effective communication strategy.

To sign up for this free 30-minute session on 17 February from 11-11.30am, book via Eventbrite here. You’ll receive a link to the webinar the day before the event.

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