resources. sequel presents.

05 June 2017

How personalised are your communications?

The audience of one – personalised communication in the new IC landscape

That’s the question we’ll asking – and debating – at our latest Aspic breakfast seminar on May 18.

The personalisation of internal communication is a phrase being bandied around at the moment. But what does it mean? What is personalisation? Is it another way of describing audience segmentation and targeted channel delivery or does it go deeper than that?

Are we, in fact, now communicating to an ‘audience of one’ where everyone has their own specific communication needs?

Our keynote speaker, technologist and entrepreneur Benjamin Ellis, believes fundamentally that personalisation is much more than a targeted email campaign and will explain why a different approach is required to help win the hearts of minds of employees in this new digitally-led landscape.

Benjamin has worked in the on-line world of digital communications and data since the 1980’s, including time during the formative years of companies including Cisco Systems and Juniper Networks. Benjamin says he works at ‘the intersection of digital communication, big data and social software’, combining his background in engineering, marketing and psychology to help companies communicate effectively with their stakeholders.

He’ll talk about the concept of personalisation but also share stories of how organisations have used big data and employee insight to help meet the communication needs of individuals.

The seminar takes place on May 18 from 9-11am at our new home for Aspic, The GridIron, a meeting space at Kings Cross.

Click here to book your tickets via Eventbrite (spaces are limited)

Benjamin Ellis

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